Saturday, March 17, 2012

Swords Fash Glare, Story of the Battle of Uhud

The reader, may Allah wa Subhaanallaahu Ta’aala always pour His mercy to us all, one portrait of reality contained in the womb of Islamic history. Monumental event that will never be forgotten in the mind of a true Muslim. Events that illustrate the conflict of two opposite sides. The battle between truth against falsehood. Civilized man against barbarous men. Noble human being against human being reprehensible. Peace-loving Muslims warring with the infidels who like chaos. A heartbreaking tragedy contained important and valuable lessons for true Muslims to advice and commands (Sunna-sunnah) the Messenger of Allaah wa sallam. An incident of bloody armed clashes between the Muslims against the idolaters of Quraysh which occurred in Shawwal AH third year, the event known as the Battle of Uhud. The following brief excerpt of her story:

The background of the battle of Uhud

Chance of sadness still blanketed the city of Mecca. Can not be denied that Mushrikeen Quraysh could not hide the deep sadness lara about their defeat at the battle of Badr in the second Hijri, their hearts torn bitterly immeasurably. News defeat of the army of Quraysh was so rapidly spread all over the city of Makkah, like moving clouds cover the sky the empty slits in the rainy season. Sad news it felt like an earthquake shook the skull idolaters. Unfortunately, the pagan Quraysh defeat in the war was not able to change their violent attitude towards the Muslims. Nan smoldering resentment stuck firmly in their hearts, the death figures high on the social stratified Quraysh fateful events increased the viscous hatred against the Muslims of Quraysh.

Preparation Quraysh army

Quraishi figures like Abu Jahl ibn Ikrimah, Safwan bin Umayyad, and Abu Sufyan ibn Harb, before they converted to Islam-rise as the forerunners of a very industrious rekindle the fire of revenge against Islam and its adherents. The orator of the Arabs are taking steps to streamline the program telling revenge is, at first they forbid citizens of Mecca lamented death toll battle of Badr then defer payment of ransom for the Muslims to liberate the Quraysh prisoners remaining in Medina. They are busy raising funds to meet the act of revenge, they came to the owners of Quraish caravan which is the main trigger of the battle of Badr, while calling: “O people of Quraysh! Indeed Muhammad was persecuted you and kill your characters! So please help us with the treasures you to reply! Hopefully we can take revenge against them. “

The plan has received warm response from the people of Quraysh, cash in a very short war funds collected quite a lot of 1000 camels and 50,000 gold coins. As Allah wa Subhaanallaahu Ta’aala six reports on the thirtieth verse of Surat al-Anfal:

Surely those who disbelieve them menginfakkan their wealth to hinder men from the path of Allah …

Day after day they received the results of the effort seem significant. Imagine, in just a period of one year only they are able to gather the troops three times greater than the number of Quraysh army at war a year ago (the battle of Badr) plus adequate weapons facility consists of 3,000 camels, 200 horses and 700 armor, the total number forces not less than 3000 soldiers plus fifteen women rekindle the spirit of combat duty and banish troops retreated backward run.

Acting as the supreme commander of Quraysh army was Abu Sufyan ibn Harb, while the cavalry under the command of Khalid bin Al Waleed and Ikrimah ibn Abu Jahl, while the banner of war held by the experts of the tribes of Bani war Abdud Dar, and rows of women under the coordination of Hind bintu ‘ Utbah wife of Abu Sufyan. Feels complete and adequate preparation of Quraysh in the battle round this time period, the procession of troops laden anarchism and insolence are now surging toward Medina bearing the mission of revenge and lust evil demons.

News should arrive to the Messenger of Allaah alaihi wa sallam

He received a secret letter from Al-Abbas ibn Abdul Mutthalib his uncle who was still living in Mecca. At that time the Messenger of Allaah alaihi wa sallam was in Quba, Ubay ibn Ka’b asked to read the letter and its contents secret. He hurried to Medina held a military preparations to meet the arrival of ‘guest is not expected’.

Bak wind blows, troop movements Quraish news spread all over the Medina, no doubt the condition of the city’s cash suddenly tense, alert urban dwellers, every man can not be separated from the weapon, although in a state of prayer. To the extent that they spent the night at the front door of the house in a state embracing arms.

Assembly deliberations military

Messenger of Allaah alaihi wa sallam gather his companions as he said: “By Allah, indeed I have seen a good sign, I saw a cow is slaughtered, blunt sword, and I put my hand inside the armor, I ta’wilkan cow with the death of a group of people from my best friend, dulling the sword with the death of one member of my family while armor with Medina “.

Messenger of Allaah alaihi wa sallam argued to survive in the city of Medina and wait on their challenge in the mouths of the city hall of Medina. This opinion was approved by the kingpin hypocrite Abdullah bin Ubay bin Salul, the enemy of Allah chose this opinion rather than on considerations of military strategy but so that he could easily escape from battle without striking human view. The majority of the friends, they tend to choose the challenge Quraiys outside Medina with the reason many of them did not get to take part in the battle of Badr, this time they do not want to miss for ‘growing stock’ at the top of the highest deed in Islam. Hamzah bin Abdul Mutthalib strongly supports this view saying: “By the One Who sent down the Qur’an to you, really I will not eat until I’m chopping them with a sword outside Medina”

By considering the various proposals of the Companions finally Messenger of Allaah alaihi wa sallam Quraysh decided to address challenges in an open field outside the city of Medina. And leave the taste of Abdullah bin Ubayy.

The day was Friday the 6th of Shawwal 3 H he gave testament to his friend that passionate sincerity and that Allah will provide relief for their patience. Then they ‘Asr prayer and he moved into the house with Abu Bakr and Umar ibn al Khathab, at that time he wore a suit of armor and weaponry prepared.

The friends of regret that impressed with their attitude forced the Messenger of Allaah alaihi wa sallam to come out of Medina, when the Messenger of Allaah alaihi wa sallam came out they said: “O Messenger of Allah, we do not intend menyelisihi think, decide as you will! If you prefer to stay in Medina, then do it! “He replied:” It is inappropriate for a prophet undressing war had worn before God to give a decision between him and the enemy. “

The general condition of the Muslims

Messenger of Allaah alaihi wa sallam divide the Islamic forces into three battalions: Emigrants Battalion under the command of Mus’ab bin Umair, Aus Battalion commanded by Usaid bin Khazraj Hudhair and Battalion led by Khabbab bin Al Mundhir. The total number of Islamic troops only 1000 people, with minimal equipment department facility be 100 armor and 50 horses (told in a history: in the absence of the horse at all) in this war. And Allaah knows best

Arriving Islamic forces in a place known as Ash Syaikhan, the Messenger of Allaah alaihi wa sallam selecting some of the Companions who are still very early age they include Abdullah bin ‘Umar bin Al Khathab, Usama bin Zaid, Zaid ibn Thabit, Abu Said Al Khudry and some friends Another young, did not fail any sadness on their faces with forced them to return to Medina.

People do penggembosan munafikin

Argued that his opinion was rejected by the Messenger of Allaah alaihi wa sallam, hypocritical leaders Abdullah bin Ubay bin Salul do penggembosan Islamic forces in the body. God’s enemy is successfully provoked nearly a third of the total number of troops, not less than 300 people fled Fisabilillah jihad fronts. ‘Man duplicity’ is deliberately doing penggembosan travel amid concerns so as to create in the hearts of the Muslims as well suck up as much as possible the strength of Muslims.

Military strategy of the Messenger of Allaah alaihi wa Sallam and task forces

Messenger of Allaah alaihi wa sallam’s military strategists organize and divide tasks rows of soldiers and their mission. He placed 50 archers on a hill Ainan served as a sniper, snipers under the command of Abdullah bin Jubair bin Nu’man al Anshary, he gave military instruction as he said: “Gempurlah them with your arrows! Do not leave your shoes in any condition! Protect our backs with your arrows! Do not help us even if we killed! And do join us even if we got the spoils of the war. In the history of Bukhari: do not leave your shoes even if you see the birds had snatched us till my messenger come to you!

Arriving at Uhud the two armies approached each other, the commander of Abu Sufyan Quraish troops trying to break the unity of Islam, he said to the Ansar: “Let our dealings with our children’s uncle (the Messenger of Allaah alaihi wa Sallam and the Emigrants)! So we will not disturb you, we have no interest to fight you! “

However, Abu Sufyan efforts are not reaping the rewards as the Ansar-powerful faith. On the contrary, they responded by saying that very spicy heat that makes the ears of people who hear it.

Beginning of the battle

Talha bin Abi Talha al Abdary pengampu Quraish a banner of war known to be highly proficient and advanced brave challenge mubarazah (duel), Ibn al-Zubayr Awwam lightning pounce and slam it then cut his throat, Talha helpless off his last breath. Messenger of Allaah alaihi wa sallam bertakbirlah bertakbir and the Muslims. Rise Abu Uthman ibn Abi Talha Syaibah hoist the banner again, with great pride challenging duel, lightning also struck Hamzah bin Abdul Mutthalib shoulders with a very powerful sword to pierce her navel surefire hands and shoulders apart, Uthman fell helpless agony. Next Abu Sa’ad ibn Abi Talha took the banner but along with arrows that Sa’ad bin Abi Waqash through his throat, he inevitably falls to the ground sticking out her tongue plunged into a pile of corpses. Musafi ‘ibn Abi Talha lifted the banner of the liberty of Quraysh but he died suddenly struck by an arrow pointed Asim ibn Thabit ibn Abul Aflah. Next Kilab bin Talha bin Abi Talha Musafi siblings’ re flying the banner of it but he immediately collapsed to the ground to end his life after the sword of Zubair bin Al Awwam snatched his body. Ibn Abi Talha al Jallas back soon prop prop up the banner, but Talha bin Ubaidillah sword immediately fired from his life. The six brave are from a family of tribes of Bani Abdi Dar. Then Arthah advanced Syurahbil bin Ali bin Abi Talib, but do not let him live long carrying a banner and direct melibasnya, strange but true reality spectacular, is not one of the idolaters took the banner was torn down his life but to an even ten people around the banner of the war doomed polytheists. After that none of those who dare take a banner that lay on the earth Uhud.

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